
Malignancy Buzz Words

What are the sign/sx and the associated diagnosis with the following buzz words?

(Answers below)

1. Virchow's node

2. Pancoast's

3. Lambert-Eaton

4. Trousseau's

5. Peau d'orange


1. Virchow's node = palpable supraclavicular nodes [associated dx: stomach cancer]
2. Pancoast's = shoulder discomfort, Horner's syndrome [associated dx: apical lung tumors]
3. Lambert-Eaton = myasthenia [associated dx: small cell carcinoma]
4. Trousseau's = thrombophlebitis [associated dx: adenocarcinoma (breast, lung, prostate)]
5. Peau d'orange = edematous thickened breast skin [associated dx: late stage breast CA]

Pic sources: http://www.netterimages.com/image/10287.htm, www.studyblue.com, http://www.bmj.com/content/336/7656/1298?ijkey=kN/189nWkD8aw&keytype=ref&siteid=bmjjournals

Source: Medical Boards Step 2 Made Ridiculously Easy - Andreas Carl, MD

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